SBN-254: GSIS Members Rights and Benefits Act of 2013

An Act Institutionalizing the Rights of Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) Members, Providing Them Additional Representation in the GSIS Board, Ensuring Prompt Payment of All Their Benefits And For Other Purposes

  • Amending certain provisions of R.A. No. 8291 by institutionalizing a Members’ Rights such as: a) Right to courteous and responsive service; b) Right to information; c) Right to GSIS benefits; d) Right to expeditious processing of claims, e) Right to be heard; and, f) Special Rights for the elderly.
  • Agencies with delayed remittances shall be charged a monthly interest of not more than 2%.
  • Lifting of the prescriptive period in claiming of benefits.
  • Granting the Regional Trial Courts (RTCs) jurisdiction over disputes concerning claims and benefits.
  • Limiting the amount of GSIS funds (not more than 5%) that can be invested in the foreign market.
  • Providing additional representation for the members by including the Secretary of Education and Civil Service Commissioner as members of the GSIS Board.
  • Retirement benefits shall be paid to the employee on his last day of service in the government: Provided, That all requirements are submitted within 60 days prior to retirement.
  • GSIS shall be liable for a monthly penalty of not more than 2% interest for failure to dispense social insurance benefits within the required period.
  • Inclusion of the PGM along with the members of the Board, as liable officers for failure to dispense social insurance benefits.

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