SBN-611: Bawas Traffic Act of 2013
An Act Creating the Special Mass Transit System Support Fund to Provide Additional and Long-Term Funding to Priority Mass Transit Projects in the Greater Metro Manila Area, Amending for the purpose Sections 7 And 8 Of Republic Act No. 8794, Otherwise Known As The “Motor Vehicle User’s Charge Act Of 2000”
- The bill’s short title is “Bawas Traffic Act of 2013”
- The bill proposes a reallocation of the MVUC Collection, wherein:
- MVUC collections from motor vehicles registered at the National Capital Region shall be earmarked and used for Mass Transit projects in the Greater Metro Manila Area (Metro Manila and the neighbouring provinces of Batangas, Cavite, Laguna, Rizal, Bulacan, Bataan and Pampanga);
- MVUC collections from motor vehicles registered outside of Metro Manila shall be earmarked and used according to the existing formula provided in the MVUC law.