SBN-2074: Financial Support for Health Care Coverage and Awareness Programs

An Act Modernizing Government Hospital Facilities, Providing Special Financial Support for Health Care Coverage and Awareness Programs, and for Displaced Workers in the Alcohol and Tobacco Industry Amending For The Purpose Section 288 Of The National Internal Revenue Code Of 1997, As Amended By Republic Act No. 10351

  • Allocates the remaining balance of the incremental revenue derived from Republic Act No. 10351 to the following:
    • 80% for the attainment of universal health coverage
    • 7% for the repair, maintenance and improvement of facilities and the upgrading of services of 16 regional hospitals and 22 medical centers
    • 10% for the repair, maintenance and improvement of facilities and the upgrading of services of 622 district hospitals
    • 1% for a health awareness campaign on the dangers of smoking and drinking
    • 1% for an unemployment benefit program to be administered by the DOLE for the displaced workers in the alcohol and tobacco industry (valid until 2020)
    • 1% for re-training and re-tooling programs to be administered by TESDA for the displaced workers in the alcohol and tobacco industry (valid until 2020)

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