SBN-47: Multipurpose Gym in All Municipalities and Cities

An Act Providing For The Construction Of A Multipurpose Gym In All Municipalities And Cities To Serve As Evacuation Center During Times Of Calamity Or Disaster And Appropriating Funds Therefor

  • The bill provides for the construction of multipurpose gyms in the country’s 1,489 municipalities and 145 cities nationwide to serve as a permanent recourse for evacuation in times of calamities and natural or man-made disasters. 
  • The gym must be able to withstand typhoons, earthquakes and other disasters. It must be designed to have space that can be used flexibly for social activities, sporting events, and as sleeping quarters during the evacuation; must be well-ventilated, able to accommodate large groups of people, and must have ample bathing and sanitation facilities. 
  • When not in use as a refuge center, the multipurpose gym, which should be in a location where people and emergency rescue personnel can easily access, can be a storehouse for disaster rescue equipment and emergency supplies.
  • The DPWH shall give construction priority to third to sixth class municipalities, especially those located in disaster-prone areas. The DPWH shall coordinate with the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council and the LGUs concerned to determine which disaster-prone areas to prioritize in the construction of the facility. 
  • Priority shall also be given to municipalities whose residents shall render volunteer labor services for the construction of the multipurpose gym and for this purpose, the DPWH shall issue the necessary guidelines.
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