SBN-1133: Regional Heart Centers Act

An Act Creating One Regional Heart Center In Each Of The Administrative Regions In The Philippines, Providing Funds Therefor And For Other Purposes

  • This bill aims to create one Regional Heart Center in each of the administrative regions in the country. Hence, the government ensures that equal access and privilege to avail of specialized and quality cardiac care is extended to a larger population of Filipinos.  
  • The Regional Heart Centers shall be administered by the DOH and may be created within the existing DOH Regional Hospitals and Medical Centers. 
  • The Centers shall be equipped with essential cardiac care equipment and necessary medical supplies and shall tap the services of heart specialists and other professionals who shall render services at a subsidized cost.
  • The creation of these Regional Heart Centers will also unburden the Philippine Heart Center located in the National Capital Region.  It would also allow patients from the provinces especially those who do not have adequate resources to avail of immediate and more affordable cardiac care without the need to travel long distance. Thus, lowering the deaths associated with heart diseases in the long run.

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