80% of Globe’s equipment supplied by Huawei; US will stop selling electronic chips to Huawei beginning October 2020

Hearing of the Committee on Public Services

September 23, 2020

Discussing the franchise applications of the telecoms companies, Senator Ralph Recto asked the representative of Globe Telecoms, Atty. Froilan Castelo, if they have a back-up plan as the trade and technology war between the US and China heats up.

It has been reported that by October 2020, American companies would stop selling their electronic chips to China’s Huawei. China purchases all its electronic chips from US companies.

With 80% of Globe’s equipment being supplied by Huawei, Recto said Globe should come up with a strategy in the event the US ban takes place.

Castelo said Huawei assured Globe of steady supplies of equipment, replacement, or compensation when the total ban from the US happens.

Castelo also assured the Senate that Globe’s primary concern is its network security and that they are “constantly auditing their network for any lapses or leakages in security.”

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