SBN-472: Green Vehicles Incentives Act

An Act Promoting Environmentally Sustainable Transport By Providing Incentives For The Manufacture, Assembly, Conversion And Importation Of Electric, Hybrid And Other Green Vehicles, And For Other Purposes

  • The bill grants the following fiscal and non-fiscal incentives to the importation and manufacture of electric, hybrid and other vehicles using clean energy sources for 9 years:
    • Manufacturers or assemblers – exempt from the payment of excise taxes and duties and imposition of the Value Added Tax (VAT)
    • Importers of completely built units (CBUs) – exempt from the payment of excise taxes and duties
    • Exempts the owners of Clean Energy Vehicles (CEVs) from the payment of the Motor Vehicle User’s Charge upon registration of their vehicles
    • Priority in registration and issuance of plate number
    • Priority in franchise application to Public Utility Vehicle (PUV) operators exclusively utilizing electric, hybrid and other clean energy vehicles 
    • Exemption from Unified Vehicular Volume Reduction Program (UVVRP) or Number-Coding Scheme. 
    • Provision for free parking spaces in new establishments
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