SBN-1208: Protection of Minors From Sin Products Act

An Act Prohibiting Facilitation Of The Use, Possession Or Access By, Or The Sale Or Distribution To Minors, Of Alcohol And Tobacco Products, And Providing Penalties Therefor

  • This proposed measure seeks to prohibit the use, possession or access by, or sale or distribution of alcohol and tobacco products including heated tobacco and vapor products to minors. These products sold in the market are more commonly called “sin products” for they are deemed harmful to society and to individuals consuming them.
  • Taxation might not be an effective deterrent to the consumption of sin products by the youth including minors as claimed by some health advocates. Hence, the imposition of stiffer penalties to any person or establishment who facilitates the use, possession or access by a minor, or who sells or distributes to a minor, of alcohol and tobacco products, is necessary to protect them from the hazards of these products.

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