SBN-1286: Appropriating P30 B to Fund the Individuals, Families, and Communities Affected by the Taal Volcano Eruption

An Act Appropriating The Sum Of Thirty Billion Pesos (P30,000,000,000) As Supplemental Appropriations For FY 2020, And For Other Purposes

  • This bill seeks to appropriate thirty billion pesos (P30,000,000,000) to fund the much needed support to families and communities affected by the eruption of Taal Volcano to include immediate relief to affected individuals and families; establish resettlement centers, homesites and townsites for displaced families; provide livelihood and employment opportunities for local residents; construct, repair, rehabilitate, or reconstruct public infrastructure needed in the affected communities; and to adopt and implement other interventions that could expedite the return to normalcy in affected localities.

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