Statement of Rep. Ralph G. Recto on President BBM’s SONA

Statement of Rep. Ralph G. Recto on President BBM’s SONA

25 July 2022

A data-driven SONA which paints the future using numbers – Recto

It was a data-driven SONA. Others before him had used words to conjure the future. He painted it using numbers.

And that makes his SONA brave, not boring, because when you set specific targets – on growth, jobs, debt, inflation – then you set up the goals by which your administration will be measured.

May resibo ang mga pangako. Hindi motherhood statements, but calculable key result areas.

The President was also correct in predicating all his programs with a plan on how to revitalize the economy because only a strong one would yield the resources and revenues that would finance the rebuilding of a nation ravaged by Covid.

His speech was structured in such a way that before he dazzled us with programs, he gave us a fiscal reality check.

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