Hearing on the Proposed 2013 Budget of DOTC
Senator Ralph G. Recto, chairman of Finance sub-committee C, hears the presentation of Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) Secretary Joseph Abaya on his agencyís P37 billion proposed budget for 2013. During the hearing, Recto asked Abaya about DOTCís plan to increase the MRT fares. He said it is better to improve the system first before such increase is implemented. Recto pointed out the usual complains of passengers, such as the out-of-service elevators and escalators, the long queue in getting cards, the jampacked coaches, and the recent fire incident in one of the MRT coaches. Recto also urged the DOTC official to immediately work on the missing link or loop that will connect the LRT 1 with MRT 3, saying that the matter has already been discussed and pending since 2008. Abaya promised to address the issues. Also present in the hearing are Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile and Senators Edgardo Angara and Panfilo Lacson. (Photos by Alex Nuevaespana of PRIB)