
‘The Great Wastes of China in what might become the Waste Philippine Sea’

It is not only reclaiming land in the West Philippine Sea; by its actions, it is also renaming it as the Waste Philippine Sea. By turning reefs into toilets, two man-made things are now visible from space: the Great Wall of China on land, and the Great Wastes of China at sea.

Statement of Sen. Ralph Recto on the passing of former president Noynoy Aquino

Press Statement of Senate President Pro Tempore Ralph G. Recto 24 June 2021 He was a profile of courage, a man of conviction. When politics clashed with the principles he held dear, he would choose the latter, even at the expense of friendships and alliances a leader must

‘Yuka’s low winning score a blast of fresh air in season of high COVID cases’

When we are assaulted daily by the high tally of COVID cases, here comes the low winning score of Yuka Saso like a blast of fresh air. She inspires us that despite the handicaps and the hazards we face as a people, we too, can stage a comeback. She joins the many gritty Filipina

Erroneous revenue order can bankrupt struggling private schools

The BIR should rescind its erroneous order imposing a 25 percent corporate income tax on private schools, as “it is a flawed interpretation of the Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises (CREATE) Act,” said Senate President Pro Tempore Ralph Recto. “Yung title pa

Confirmation of the Appointment of Karl Kendrick T. Chua as Secretary of Socioeconomic Planning and Director General of the National Economic and Development Authority

“Brilliant N.E.R.D with K-Pop Looks” Confirmation of the Appointment of Karl Kendrick T. Chua as Secretary of Socioeconomic Planning and Director General of the National Economic and Development Authority Senate President Pro Tempore Ralph G. Recto02 June 2021 Mr. President, my

On the Vaccination Site in the Manila Bay Reclamation Area

The trees will not be chainsawed by illegal loggers, but the lot on which they stand will be used for a facility that will protect millions of lives. On a per square meter basis, the property will benefit thousands of people. It is a social project that packs enough “goodwill

Cops should heed Eleazar’s no-jail order

Any rush to arrest mandatory mask violators without setting up the “holding and booking” infrastructure would worsen jail congestion and the clogging of court dockets, Senate President Pro Tempore Ralph Recto said today. Recto said violators will be first brought to holding cells

Ricky Lo’s daily columns were the first drafts of the history of Philippine cinema.

Press Statement of Senate President Pro Tempore Ralph G. Recto  05 May 2021 Ricky Lo’s daily columns were the first drafts of the history of Philippine cinema.  Compile them and the results are the authoritative annals of the local film industry, by someone who penned it with a

On Secretary Locsin’s tweets on China’s incursions into our territory

Press Statement of Senate President Pro Tempore Ralph G. Recto04 May 2021 On Secretary Locsin’s tweets on China’s incursions into our territory In an era when diplomacy is practiced by those who “speak softly and carry a selfie stick”, it pays to have a

Palace should launch program of ‘regularizing’ thousands of gov’t ‘casuals’ on Labor Day

The national government – the country’s biggest employer – should celebrate Labor Day with a mass regularization of casual workers who have been in its employ for years, if not decades, Senate President Pro Tempore Ralph Recto said. “It can begin with contractual workers in